Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki


Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki
Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki
Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki

"France is a lot more gray and shapeless than I though it would be."
"That's the fog.
Jack Sparrow and Jean Magliore[src]

The Kingdom of France was a country south of England and east of Spain. Its capital was Paris. In the Age of Piracy, France was a leading colonial power. It owned many colonies in the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa. It also had the world's third strongest navy.

Marseilles was the trading capital of France, where Capitaine Chevalle, Pirate Lord of the Mediterranean Sea hailed from.

French colonies[]

Behind the scenes[]

French Empire

The French colonial empire in the 18th century.

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides was released in France as Pirates des Caraïbes : La Fontaine de Jouvence, which is French for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Fountain of Youth.
  • In the Pirates of the Caribbean Online video game, the modern French flag is displayed on the French privateer island Ille D'Etable De Porc, instead of the one from the 18th century. This could either be a mistake by the developers or it could even be Pierre le Porc's personal flag. The flag he uses was not used by France until the French Revolution (1789-1795) when the monarchy was overpowered by revolutionaries.


External links[]

Locations in Pirates of the Caribbean
Barbary CoastCalabarEgyptKermaSlave CoastTripoli

The Americas
BostonFloridaLouisianaMexicoNew OrleansNorth Carolina
PanamaPeruSavannahVirginiaYucatán Peninsula

BombayChinaHong KongIndiaNipponShanghaiSingaporeSuvarnadurg

The Bahamas
AndrosNassauNew AvalonNew Providence

The Caribbean
AntiguaBlack rock islandCubaDevil's TriangleDominicaGuadeloupeHangman's BayHispaniola
Ile d'Etable de PorcIsla De La AvariciaIsla CrucesIsla de MuertaIsla de Pelegostos
MartiniquePadres Del FuegoPort RoyalPoseidon's Tomb
Puerto RicoSaint MartinSan SilvestreShipwreck IslandSt. LuciaTortugaUnnamed Island

BarcelonaCádizFranceGibraltarGreat BritainHolland

Other locations
Davy Jones' LockerFarthest GateIce PassageIsla Sirena
