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Main article: Carina Smyth

The Brightest Star in the North: The Adventures of Carina Smyth[]

Spoken about Carina Smyth[]

"Quite the devil's tongue in that girl. She could do with a good lashing."
"Perhaps. But her heart is in the right place. I believe it's better to direct a fire than snuff it out. So that one day, it will grow to be useful."
"Unless it burns you first."
"Of that I am certain. If there's one thing I know about Carina Smyth, it's that her personality burns as brightly as a star.
―A woman and Mrs. Altwood[src]


"From this moment on, we are to be allies."
"Considering where your left hand is, I’d say we are more than that."
"We find the Trident together. Do I have your word?"
"You’re holding everything but my word. Now cut me down!"
"I don’t have a sword at the moment."
"You came to rescue me without a sword? What kind of soldier are you?"
"Perhaps we could discuss this later, as I am having trouble hoisting your port!"
"You are far from port. That is my stern!"
"Are you sure?"
Henry Turner and Carina Smyth[src]
"So this was your brilliant plan? To be tortured and killed by pirates?"
"That is Captain Jack Sparrow. One of the greatest pirates to ever sail the Caribbean. And we have an accord—he and his crew will sail with us to find the Trident."
"Will that be before or after they have us walk the plank?"
"We needed a ship!"
"You call this a ship?
―Carina Smyth and Henry Turner[src]
"This diary is the only truth I know. I kept it with me every day in that orphanage, studied the heavens when it was forbidden—when they called me a witch! I swore to know the sky as my father intended me to."
"Your father?"
"My mother died as I was born. This diary was all that was left with me—"
"I know what it is to grow up without a father, Carina."
"Then you know I can never stop.
―Carina Smyth and Henry Turner[src]
"This is the Map No Man Can Read!"
"That map will lead us to the Trident. We just have to follow the X!"
"And X always marks the spot.
―Carina Smyth, Henry Turner, and Jack Sparrow[src]
"I don’t believe it. A ship grown from... from..."
―Carina Smyth and Henry Turner[src]
"The course you sail must be exact, Captain."
"There is no exact at sea."
"You need to listen to her, Captain. She’s the only one who can follow the X.
―Carina Smyth, Hector Barbossa, and Henry Turner[src]

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales[]

Spoken by Carina Smyth[]

"To release the power of the sea all must divide. It's an island. The stars lead to an island."
Carina Smyth[src]
"The final words of Carina Smyth. Good sirs, I'm not a witch but I forgive your common dim witlessness and feeble brains. In short, most of you have the mind of a goat."
―Carina Smyth, to the crowd at her execution[src]
"Just because you can't see something, it doesn't mean it's not there."
―Carina Smyth[src]
"Barbossa. My name is Barbossa."
―Carina Smyth[src]

Spoken about Carina Smyth[]

"I summoned as much honor as a worthless blaggard ever could. I placed the infant in an orphanage, never to see her again. I thought the ruby might afford her some ease in life, but I never imagined she'd take those scribblings and make a life of her own. Life that's led her back to me."
Hector Barbossa[src]


"Carina Smyth, you are an orphan born of the devil - accused of practicing witchcraft! Before you die, do you have anything to confess?"
"I confess that I am not a witch. That I'm a woman of science. I confess that I have survived on my own, with nothing but a diary from a father I never knew. On a quest for the truth of who I am. I confess that I will die before I give up this search. And I confess that while we've been talking I picked this lock.
Confessional Priest and Carina Smyth[src]
"Sir, your celestial fix was off. I have adjusted two degrees north. Your map will no longer be imprecise. Although you will have to start again with it."
"You're a witch."
"No, I'm not. Am I a witch for having cataloged over two hundred stars?"
"There is a blood moon coming. I simply need to purchase a chronometer. I'll pay you double for selling to a woman.
―Carina Smyth and George Swift[src]
"From this moment on we are to be allies."
"Considering where your left hand is I'd say we're more than that."
"We'll find the Trident together. Do I have your word?"
"You're holding everything
but my word."
Henry Turner and Carina Smyth[src]
"So this was your plan? To be tortured and killed by pirates?"
"You said you needed a ship."
"You call this a ship?
―Carina Smyth and Henry Turner[src]
"This chronometer keeps the exact time in London. I'm using it to make an altitude measurement to determine longitude. Only then will we find our exact spot at sea."
"So you expect to find the trident with a timepiece?"
―Carina Smyth and Cremble[src]
"Jack, they're going to kill us!"
"I don't care."
"Just say 'I do'.
Henry Turner, Jack Sparrow, and Carina Smyth[src]
"Captain, your map is incomplete. I can take us to the Trident if you'd only trust me. Did you not hear anything I just said?"
"So you be saying that star is pretendin' to be a map?"
"Sir, there is no island on any map to support what the woman says."
"Captain, you don't have to understand her. Just believe her.
―Carina Smyth, Hector Barbossa, Murtogg, and Henry Turner[src]
"This ship. Those ghosts. There can be no logical explanation."
"The myths of the sea are real, Carina. I'm glad you can finally see you were wrong."
"Wrong? Perhaps I had some doubts."
"This is the worst apology I've ever heard.
―Carina Smyth and Henry Turner[src]
"Where did you get that from, missy? I know this book. Stolen from an Italian ship many years ago."
"Stolen? No, you must be mistaken."
"There was a ruby on the cover I would not soon forget.
Hector Barbossa and Carina Smyth[src]
"The memory of my father will not be defiled by the tongue of a pirate! This diary is my birthright. Left to me on the steps of a children's home, along with a name and nothing else."
"Oh, so you're an orphan. What be you called?"
"The brightest star in the North gave me my name."
"That would be Carina."
"Carina Smyth. So you do know your stars."
"I'm a captain. I know which stars to follow home.
―Carina Smyth and Hector Barbossa[src]
"Look at it, Jack. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. This is what my father wanted me to find."
"No, not rocks. Stars. This is the Map No Man Can Read. This island is a perfect reflection of the heavens.
Carina Smyth and Jack Sparrow[src]
"Power of the sea."
"The power of the sea."
"To release the power of the sea all must divide. If the Trident holds all the power, then..."
"Then every curse is held inside.
Henry Turner and Carina Smyth[src]
"Who am I to you?"
―Carina Smyth and Hector Barbossa[src]
"What did you do that for?"
"Just checking it's truly you. That you're not still a ghost."
"It's me."
"Then I was..."
"Slightly in error. Although...
Henry Turner and Carina Smyth[src]


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales[]

"Carina Smyth - you will never again cast black magic toward the sky."
"Black magic? You must be mistaken, Sir. I sew uniforms for the haberdasher each day -"
"I will see you die, witch. Put her in the wagon!"
"Sir, please, let me explain!
Admiral Scarfield and Carina Smyth[src] (Jeff Nathanson's 2013 screenplay draft)
"A map maker's sextant calculates the angle between a star and the horizon. So even if they are worlds apart, they are forever entwined - the stars and the horizon existing as lovers."
―Carina Smyth[src] (Jeff Nathanson's 2013 screenplay draft)
"You have no loyalty."
"A pirate's life is spent loyal to the sea."
"The sea is not alive, Mr. Barbossa. It cannot return favor."
"Nor can any pirate."
"So you feel nothing for any living soul?"
"I'd be lying to pretend otherwise.
―Carina Smyth and Hector Barbossa[src] (Jeff Nathanson's 2013 screenplay draft)
"Lower me down, Hector."
"Jack - wait. There's no coming back from the bottom of the sea."
"Is this your way of saying you'd like my hat?"
"You don’t have to do this."
"I have to put it back."
"But the Trident is yours - you have everything now."
"This was my destiny. To find it and die for it. Or something like that. So hard to concentrate when a witch is naked."
"But you don't believe in destiny."
"Then I've got nothing to worry about.
Jack Sparrow and Carina Smyth[src] (Jeff Nathanson's 2013 screenplay draft)
"What kind of pirate gives up his treasure?"
"Who said I've given anything up?"
"I'll keep this diamond with the hopes that one day you'll do the right thing."
"And what might that be?"
"You're a pirate. Steal it back.
―Carina Smyth and Jack Sparrow[src] (Jeff Nathanson's 2013 screenplay draft)
"I need to escape. Can you help me?"
"That man called you a witch. And witches are bad luck at sea."
"We're not at sea."
"Good point. But I am a pirate."
"But I am clearly not a witch."
"One of us is very confused.
―Carina Smyth and Jack Sparrow[src]
"I don’t believe you’re a coward."
"Please leave me, Sister."
"I’ve risked my life to come here―to see if you truly believe as I believe: that the Trident will be found."
"You’re a witch?"
"I’m no more a witch than I am a nun.
―Carina Smyth and Henry Turner[src]